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 Oral English Classes

Would you like to improve your oral English?  An English teacher who has often taught oral English to Chinese will be offering a free in-person Oral English class to Chinese graduate students, scholars, spouses, and other adult family members this fall (2024).  The aim of the class is to help your English sound more natural, as well as to give a good opportunity for practicing speaking.  We’ll study how the voice goes up and down in normal American expression (which helps carry the meaning).

When:  Saturdays from September 14 to November 9, 3:00-4:30 PM


Class sessions: Typically, class begins with a short general session for instruction, and then students pair up for oral practice.  Since each class builds on the previous ones, to get the most benefit, please honor the professor’s request that you plan to come to each class.

Registration: Registration is now open. To register, email Iris at Please give your name and status at your university (Masters, PhD, scholar, post-doc, spouse, etc.).


Location: September 14 at Solid Rock Church, 5401 Good Luck Rd., Riverdale, MD 
September 21-November 9 at Wallace, 3725B Metzerott Rd., College Park MD
Both locations are near UMDCP. At Wallace the class meets in the “House at the Crossroads” to the left of the church building. Parking is available just behind the House, and the door by the parking lot is the one to use.

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